Entrepreneur vs Corporate
Co-working spaces were initially created with freelancers and entrepreneurs in mind: Individuals who needed a professional yet flexible working space with reliable wi-fi, good coffee and space to work. The concept behind flexible working space is ideal for the freelancer or the small business who wants to keep their monthly costs low and perhaps aren’t ready for the commitment of a permanent office space.
While many believe this is solely the realm of the small business owner and the savvy entrepreneur this is no longer the case. With the growth of the agile workforce larger business and even corporates are beginning to see the advantages of flexible working spaces for their employees.
As a rapidly growing trend, co-working for corporates is fast becoming a creative solution to accommodate flexi-hours, working from home and outsourcing projects. Whilst organisations can offer their employees the benefits of a better work/life balance, it’s also a financially sound business model.
Whilst the rise in commercial real estate continues, more organizations are looking for alternative solutions for their businesses. Temporary offices, with low monthly costs and virtually no commitment look very appealing.
Whilst reducing costs may be a major factor in decision making, many companies are also finding it increasingly difficult to manage the needs of an established ageing workforce who prefer a quieter environment combined with the needs of the millennial who prefer a livelier and collaborative space. Co-working is a great solution offering a variety of private offices, breakout spaces, meeting rooms for collaborative projects and open plan hot-desking for team-work.