The latest ramblings from The Residence
Some thoughts and views on what’s hot (and what’s not) in the world of coworking, business, and enjoying your 9-5!
Coworking vs working from home: what’s best for you?
It wasn’t too long ago that most of us thought it was quite normal to get up early every morning, shower and breakfast, and then ‘go’ to work. We unquestioningly factored in the time and money costs of a commute, train tickets and parking, lunches and coffees, even our work wardrobes.
Before Covid hit us all in 2020, it was the lucky few who could opt out of the office-based way of life. Even then, the reality of that so-called luxury often just meant camping out on a slightly sticky café sofa, making use of patchy Wi-Fi, all the while wondering just how long you might reasonably drag out your chai latte and panini before the barista started asking questions.
6 Reasons why coworking spaces are so popular
“8 out of 10 dogs prefer coworking”
A recent study found that dogs were 80% happier when working alongside their human in a collaborative space such as a coworking office.*
A totally made-up study by our members and Mabel, our resident pet pooch, at The Residence, but we reckon it’s pretty spot on.
Seriously though, I’m thrilled to be writing this blog post because it means that my vision at The Residence has become a reality in that coworking in areas such as Hertfordshire and Essex is not only becoming popular, but more and more people recognise it as a valuable resource for modern working.
In the past few years, coworking has become one of the fastest-growing work models of the modern age with is set to explode over the next couple of years.
“The number of coworking spaces worldwide is expected to reach 40,000+ by 2024 - double the number in 2021.”
(Source: Global Coworking Growth Study)
Office Etiquette
It’s a curious and complex world when people come together for a single purpose- to work.
They have nothing in common except the fact that they are part of a collective all focused on doing the work of the company that has employed them. I cannot even say they are all working towards the same goal, they should be, but that depends on the vision and communication of the business itself.
Hierarchy, politics and ego all have a place here, some firmly embedded, some desperately trying to get a foot on the ladder to a higher status. However, there are usually some rules, policies and practices which keep everyone in check, everyone toeing the line to some extent, so there isn’t anarchy over the water cooler or frenzied panic over the fridge contents.
However, how does the dynamic change when there’s no boss? When you’re all the boss who’s in charge?
Why Coworking?
This rapidly growing trend has become so popular across the globe simply because it allows you and your business to thrive. Fostering an environment of community and connection, individuals have found real meaning not only in the work that they choose, but also in the place where they do it.
Folks that choose coworking are making an investment in themselves and their business. You can choose the coffee shop or the home office but paying for a desk in a shared office usually indicates you want more from your working life and are serious about growing your business.
Entrepreneur vs Corporate
Co-working spaces were initially created with freelancers and entrepreneurs in mind: Individuals who needed a professional yet flexible working space with reliable wi-fi, good coffee and space to work. The concept behind flexible working space is ideal for the freelancer or the small business who wants to keep their monthly costs low and perhaps aren’t ready for the commitment of a permanent office space.
While many believe this is solely the realm of the small business owner and the savvy entrepreneur this is no longer the case. With the growth of the agile workforce larger business and even corporates are beginning to see the advantages of flexible working spaces for their employees.